The Liturgy Commission plans Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. The committee is responsible for assigning Lectors, Musicians, Eucharistic Ministers, Hospitality Ministers, and Altar Servers. The team strives to make liturgies meaningful and enriching, and meets at least six times a year, more often at Easter and Christmas. To participate in any of the following vital capacities, please contact Susie Graves or the parish office.
Eucharistic Ministers: are lay persons who have been confirmed. Some are trained to assist in communion service, and some take the Eucharist to homebound parishioners. Eucharistic ministers are commissioned on Holy Thursday.
Altar Servers: assist presiding priests at Sunday and Holy Day masses. Any child in the fifth grade or above is eligible. Some servers are also asked to assist with Weddings and Funerals.
Music Ministry: consists of teams of cantors and musicians who lead the parish in song. Practice is held twice a month (currently on the second and fourth Tuesdays) and more often for holy days and special events.
Lectors: Lectors volunteer to proclaim the “Word of God” on Sundays and Holy Days – usually ever three to four weeks.
Sacrastans: perform behind-the-scenes roles before and after Mass. They prepare the sacred vessels and put each in its proper place. After Mass, they assist in cleanup and maintenance of all materials.
Art & Environment: this committee decorates the Narthex and Sanctuary seasonally. Archdiocesan guidelines are used to select or design banners, flowers, plants, altar cloths, etc.
Ministers of Hospitality: are the first to greet guests and parishioners. They welcome all to the assembly, and assist in seating, taking up collections, and distributing bulletins. A typical schedule calls for service every three weeks.